Newsletters (Not available in VIMP Light)
Within the “Newsletters” tab you can create and manage newsletter mailings.
Newsletter index
The table contains the following information:
- Name: The name of the newsletter
- Created at: The creation date of the newsletter.
- Status: The status of the newsletter (created, verify, illegal, legal, deleted).
By moving the mouse over a newsletter entry in the list a newsletter context sub menu appears:
- Edit: Clicking “Edit” opens the “Edit Newsletter” page. Modify the title of the newsletter here.
- Duplicate: Creates a copy of the current newsletter.
- Status change: Depending on the current status of the newsletter the status can be changed (e.g. “activate”).
- Issues: Clicking on “Issues” opens up the “Issues index” page where all issues of this newsletter are listed.
- Create issue: Clicking on “Create issue” allows you to compose a new newsletter issue.
- Subscriptions: Opens the newsletter subscriber index.
- Delete: Clicking on “Delete” deletes the current newsletter. Actually, it remains on the system and can still be managed in the admin panel, but is no more active in the portal.
Irrevocable deleting a newsletter (purge)
By activating the status filter “deleted” all newsletters that have been marked as deleted (and thus aren’t active in the portal anymore) will be listed.
They can be deleted irrevocable (complete deletion from the database) by clicking the “Purge” link in the context menu of the according newsletter.
You can also delete several or all deleted newsletters by checking the newsletters checkboxes and then executing the according batch action. Note that the batch action “Purge” only works within the filter “deleted” respectively only for newsletters with status “deleted”.
Newsletter information
By clicking a newsletter title the newsletter information view opens.
This view displays all information about the newsletter in a brief overview.
Clicking the “Edit” button in the lower left corner leads you directly to the “Edit newsletter” page.
Adding/editing a newsletter
In this view, all settings of newsletter can be modified.
Main information
Enter a new name for the newsletter or edit the existing one.
Newsletter issue index
The Newsletter issue index lists all issues of a certain newsletter.
By moving the mouse over an issue item in the list an issue context sub menu appears:
- Edit: Clicking on “Edit” opens the “Edit newsletter issue” page that allows you to edit the according newsletter issue.
- Duplicate: Creates a duplicate of the current newsletter issue.
- Status change: Depending on the current status of the newsletter issue the status can be changed (e.g. “activate”).
- Delete: Clicking on “Delete” deletes the according newsletter issue. Actually, it remains on the system and can still be managed in the admin panel, but is no more active in the portal. Analogues to the newsletters deleted issues can be purged in a second step.
Newsletter issue information
Clicking the title of a newsletter issue opens the newsletter issue information view.
This view displays all information about the newsletter issue in a brief overview.
Clicking the “Edit” button in the lower left corner leads you directly to the “Edit newsletter issue” page.
Editing/adding a newsletter issue
Within this view all contents and settings of a newsletter issue can be modified.
E-mail settings
Set the e-mail address of the sender and the “From”-name to be displayed within the recipient’s mail client.
Additionally, you can define a separate reply address.
Enter the subject of the newsletter.
Next, enter the plain-text version of your newsletter.
Then you can also enter a HTML version of your newsletter that can be formatted individually.
The plain-text version will be displayed on mail clients that don’t support HTML.
Additional settings
Finally set the date of distribution.
Note that the execution can last several hours, depending on the number of recipients.
If you want to send a test newsletter to yourself or a limited number of recipients, enter the username(s) in the last field and click the “Test mail” button.
Save your changes by clicking the “Save” button or discard them by hitting the “Cancel” button.
Newsletter subscriptions index
The newsletter subscriptions index lists all subscribers of the according newsletter.
By moving the mouse over a username in the list a context sub menu appears:
- Delete: Clicking on “Delete” deletes the newsletter subscription of the according user.