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VIMP Search

With a growing number of media on the server, the need for a search function will increase. Therefore, a search box has been implemented on top of the portal, right beside the upload button:

VIMP search

Enter a keyword in the search box to perform a basic search. The basic search will seek for media, that have been uploaded to the server, and other elements, having the keyword in their title or description. For an advanced search, select the “Advanced search” tab right in the search results.

Within the advanced search, you can specifically search for a title, description and tags. Furthermore, the search location can be defined more strictly – for example in a specific group or a channel, or in a category. Additionally, you can also search for a specific media type, e.g. a document or an audio file.

VIMP advanced search

After specifying your search terms, clicking the search button will show you the results.

On the search results page, for each search result, you will also receive information about where the search term was found.

For example, subtitles are also taken into account and a click on the search result takes you directly to the corresponding place in the video where the search term appears.

VIMP search result

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